Saturday, November 23, 2019

Share Four Somethings: November Edition

It's time for my friend Heather's Share Four Somethings monthly link-up, where we share Something Loved, Something Said, Something Learned, and Something Read. Although I'm terribly sporadic with this, it's a great way to recap the month and highlight what stood out, so I appreciate Heather heading it up.

Something Loved
It completely slipped my mind that moving to a new town a little further north would bring one of my life's greatest joys: fall colors! While Natchitoches is certainly the North Pole of the South with its renowned Christmas Festival, millions of lights, and Miss Merry Christmas pageant, I couldn't be happier to see its trees showcase some gorgeous leaves this time of year.

Something Said
Whenever I would apologetically ask a former coworker from my days at Nissan to do something that seemed un-fun to me, he'd always respond good-naturedly with, "It all pays the same."

It's only taken me 12 years to learn that whether I'm at work, play or home, by George, he's right! Cleaning the bathroom may not interest me as much as trying a new recipe, but it all has to be done to keep the train moving.

Something Learned
Putting up Christmas decor early doesn't murder Thanksgiving.

There. I said it. I understand that this does not present a highly controversial internal conflict for everyone, but it sure wreaked havoc on my first 42 years. However, a few life events (including moving to the North Pole of the South as previously mentioned) have led me to realize a few things:

  1. Life can be too hard on a regular day to not savor its beauty for as long as possible.
  2. Christmas decor makes me happy.
  3. Getting a jump start on Christmas doesn't have to discount the peaceful, easy feeling that Thanksgiving offers. That's my choice.
  4. We travel for Thanksgiving, so having the house decorated for Christmas when we get back actually cuts down on stress and helps us enjoy each holiday a little more.
  5. It costs zero dollars to form and have my own opinion about what's best for my life. ;-)

Something Read
I don't have something life-changing to share for this every month, so I'm pumped that this month is different. Every page of Lori Gottlieb's "Maybe You Should Talk To Someone" held my attention, and I want everyone I know to read it.

Visit Heather's blog to participate in her link-up or read more #sharefoursomethings.

Have a beautiful Thanksgiving!

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