Friday, June 27, 2008

finding happy

This week has been kind of tough. News of all shapes and sizes has come in, and none of it has been very joyous. It's hard to hear about things that cause others pain, and it's easy to lose sight of my happy.

Sometimes my happy is right in front of me. I don't even have to look for it. I close my eyes, and it's still there. I love those times. Those times are most frequent for me. I'm fortunate, and I know that. Times when my happy is hard to find are not as common, and make for a really blah rebekah.

There are millions of reasons for me to be joyous. If I counted the ways, my blog would go on for miles. I know this. I really do.

So why is it that happy can occasionally be hard to find?

My very understanding boyfriend says that funks make him appreciate the days when he feels no funk -- they even make him appreciate the days when he feels nothing at all. I know he's right.

And the search goes on.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

VBS - B = VS

My 4-year-old nephew is in Vacation Bible School this week.

I, myself, can remember VBS like it was yesterday: the flower-shaped cookies with the hole in the middle (that was clearly there so you could twirl the cookies on your finger); the red Kool-Aid (and inevitable mustaches that followed); the arts and crafts (where they sometimes let even short-attention-span girls like me use the hot glue gun)! There are certain things that time just can't erase in a memory.

And apparently, there are certain things that time (and any other given element) has no problem erasing.

After Caleb's first day of VBS, my sister asked him what he did. He told her all about the arts, crafts, snacks...basically the things on my list above. When she asked him what he had learned about the Bible, he replied, "Nothin'."

Please don't get me wrong...Caleb's dad is a minister. He practically lives at that church. And anyone who knows my sister, well, enough said. Let's just say the boy definitely has some Bible stories in his memory bank by now.

So don't worry, because after Caleb's second day of VBS, Kim reported that "he's having fun, but he says still hasn't learned anything."

Apparently, Caleb is just in Vacation School.

3:11 PM - 4 Comments - 3 Kudos

Hilarious! Sounds like myr girls this week. They tell me about the arts and crafts and snacks... and they say... """ We learned about God and Jesus... Mommy did you know that God and Jesus are the same?! Like How does he do that?!""" Tonight they are having their Closing Ceremony, they are all singing, and have parts in the little performance. I ALWAYS LOVED VBS!

Posted by Çhr阮ïñå on June 13, 2008 - Friday 6:38 AM

Our VBS is next week and I'm glad I'm in charge of least they should remember that part! :)

Posted by Amanda on June 13, 2008 - Friday 10:40 AM

You bring back fond memories of some of my favorite childhood times. You painted the picture perfectly. As with most things, VBS is probably not what it used to be when we were children. I do recall those arts and crafts were usually centered on a Bible story and helped with learning that story. I had such a fondness for the bible at that age... I miss that childlike love and desire for knowing the Bible so well, I'm sad to admit. Maybe I need to go back to VBS and do a little Biblical crafting for a refresher and as a teacher... and you're never to old to learn something, especially from a child!

Posted by Susan on June 19, 2008 - Thursday 8:50 PM

I always loved VBS too.

Minley had it last week and she was so excited because she got this huge parrot for reciting her Bible verse to everyone. I was so excited that she actually learned something.

You know, there are times that I ask Minley what she did that day at school and because they do so much, she couldn't really remember. Maybe the kids are having so much fun at VBS and they are pretty much rushed from one event to another, that they don't really remember the bible story that was taught that day.

Posted by Mary on June 20, 2008 - Friday 4:43 AM

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My celebrity twin

rebekah's celebrity twin is:

Kate Hudson

Your ideal life is that of a Bohemian beach bum. You're the quintessential fun girl -- the one all the guys want to hang out with for her natural beauty and laid-back attitude. Like Kate, you embrace the hippie lifestyle and are a free spirit. You need a man who can make you laugh, and you understand how hard marriage can be. (Kate has said she never wanted to know if her ex-husband, Chris Robinson, was cheating on her). You form close bonds with your immediate family but can separate the good people in your life from those who are poor influences.

Who is your celebrity twin?