Something incredibly exciting happened to me!
(Yes, I was engaged to the love of my life in December. NOT a small deal, by any means. I love this man -- I really, really love him!, and I am not one bit freaked out about spending the rest of my life with him. Which will be a completely separate -- and possibly really long -- blog post. And yes, my foot surgery worked out two summers ago and I can grocery shop for myself again. Wow. I mean, wow. That was miraculous. And yes, believe it or not, I have [kinda] stopped biting my nails. Let's face it. Even kinda is pretty big for me.)
Yet my excitement in this post stems from something else. (Can you believe there's more?!)

:: deep breaths ::
My incredibly intuitive, super wise sister suggested I apply to pre-read and help promote a favorite author's book, and guess what?
I was selected.
If you know me, and you know my penchant for reading, it's kind of a big deal. I mean, let's face it, even if you don't know about me and books, IT'S KIND OF A BIG DEAL.
For the love of PETE, y'all! I'm on an official book launch team! Woohoo!

So please, watch this space. I am reading as fast as I can adequately consume the book and keep up with my work and relationship and family duties, and you know, it's one of those things I pretty much don't want to end, because I'm just a geek.
For the love!