In September:
Something I loved was...
...getting to be with my family on my Daddy's birthday.
We kicked off the month with a visit to Mississippi for (and on) my dad's birthday. All the stars aligned so that everyone was off work and available to be there. Even though it was rainy, we had such a nice visit.

Something that was said was...
"'re doing a great job."
Simple and to the point, no flowery language, but still so heartfelt and so very needed. I appreciate being appreciated -- and knowing that I am contributing.

Something I learned was...
...a little more about the Enneagram. This new-to-me personality assessment isn't rocket science by any means, but it does require some digging in, and it seems that the exploration could last forever. (I'm still not rock solid on which of the nine types I am, but I'm leaning toward nine itself.)
And something I read was...

...all the things Kelly Corrigan publishes.
I don't know why it took me a while to come across her, but her writing style is up my alley, and I love her insight on life, death and all the things in between.
Although I love all of her books, the first one I read is The Middle Place, and I can't get enough of it.
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