Thursday, February 7, 2008

a Southern Baptist’s crack at Lent

I am giving up bread for the Lenten season.

Those who know me well might ask yourselves, "Why would a Southern Baptist girl give up anything for Lent?"

Well, in the midst of all this Catholicism over here in the BR, and especially during the Mardi Gras season, I have become much more aware of the meanings of these things, and since my friends here are making sacrifices in honor of the sacrifice Jesus made for us, I thought, "I might could do that, too."

So far, I am on Day 2 and I have only had one Subway sandwich. (That was yesterday, when the Subway Sandwich Artist told me she could not make me a salad. What else was I to do? Tonight, however, I managed to eat around the rice in my leftovers, which I considered a huge practice of discipline.)

The second question you may ask yourself is, "Why bread?"

I can understand the puzzlement, because when my coworker Shannon brought it up as her sacrifice, I laughed myself silly at her. I was like, "No way would I give up bread! Pasta! Cookies! Crackers! Bagels?!"

But then I started thinking about it beyond my surface level and realized that would represent a TRUE sacrifice for me. (I do love my bread.)

So there you have it. Pray for me.

Currently watching : Lost - The Complete Third SeasonRelease date: By 11 December, 2007

6 Comments - 7 Kudos

From one bread lover to another...Godspeed!
Posted by Bethanie on February 7, 2008 - Thursday 7:22 PM

Boy, do I understand. No one here has ever really understood when I try to do this each year. But, I am a Catholic out of water over here in Big Baptist, Mississippi. I always try to give up Cokes, but usually fail by day 3 or 4. This year, I'm giving up french fries. Yep - I said it! French fries, baby!, we'll see how it goes. Hopefully more than the standard 4 days :)
Posted by Skye on February 7, 2008 - Thursday 9:16 PM

i've done this before as a southern baptist. chocolate was my sacrifice. it gives you a feeling of overwhelming accomplishment. hang in there.
Posted by monica on February 8, 2008 - Friday 6:55 AM

You will be happy to know that I too have given up a few things for Lent:
1) Liver
2) Goat cheese
3) The worm in the tequila
4) Raw red meat
5) And last but not least, moldy bread
I knew you would be proud of me!
Posted by Greg Mo on February 15, 2008 - Friday 9:14 PM

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