Thursday, October 29, 2009
Goin' to Jackson!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Five Things I'm Thankful For.
3. How many times can I say it? FALL! Love the cool weather!
4. The fact that I'm not the one who slid the ring on the finger of the obnoxious guy we sat in front of at tonight's LSU game. Lord have mercy on that poor woman. Seriously.
5. The future, and that we can look forward to it, without being bound to our pasts. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Celeb Sighting!
The most ironic part of this story is that in the past few weeks, I've decided to whine about that fact. A lot.
But last night, while we were waiting to be seated for Angelle's birthday dinner at Roberto's River Road Restaurant right outside of Baton Rouge, I noticed a beautiful girl who reminded me of Natasha from SATC. (You know, Big's skinny/model/wife?) Anyway, I kept glancing back, and thought if it wasn't her, some girl was really fortunate to look that much like her.
A few minutes later, it was confirmed by another friend: I'd seen my first celebrity sighting! And with no help! I was very excited.
(Several movies have been being filmed in Baton Rouge lately, including Battle: Los Angeles, which she has a role in.)
No one said anything to her (tempting though it was), and she and her date were seated while we waited for a table for 15 to open up.
Way into our dinner, Bridget Moynahan poked her head into our room with a big smile and waved goodbye! We all acted like the Southerners we are, waving excitedly. Someone asked if she'd take a pic with us, and she did:
Pictured left to right: Mike Betz, Erica Bankston, Brandon Kelly, Bridget Moynahan, Angelle Bertrand, Tiffany Hebert, myself, and Tiffany Hess.
Below is a solo shot of her (from IMDB):
And here is a snapshot from her role on S&TC (Natasha, Big, Carrie, Aiden):
I am so hopelessly cheesy.
Miracle in the Making.

There's also a Facebook group in support of Lacey, Jeremy, their daughter Elyse, Lacey's parents and siblings, and Lacey's October 26th pancreatomy if you'd like to check it out.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Patience is a virtue...
Please be patient; God isn't finished with me yet.
For the past several months in particular, I've been pretty hard on myself about some things. Not being able to predict others' actions, for one. Also, there's not having foresight to "know better" about decisions that seemed rational at the time. Etc.
A couple of dear friends have chimed in with my mother and sister's encouragement for me to be nicer to myself. In fact, Cicily even said the other day that she wished I'd be nicer to myself in my dreams (because for a while there, I wasn't).
It occurred to me tonight that the phrase from elementary school doesn't only apply to children. At 32 9/10, God still isn't finished with this redhead yet (thankfully!). I don't have to beat myself up for not having "arrived" or not knowing the answers far in advance. I just have to pray for His will to be done, take the path that seems wisest, and learn from it all.
So RJ, please be patient. Even 1/3 (or 1/2)-way into my life span, I know for a fact that God is definitely, positively, in no way finished with me yet.
And that is so comforting!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Five Things I'm Grateful For.
3. Acquaintances who generously accept me into their wide and varied circles with grace and ease and hospitality.
4. Churches where God's Word is preached without shame.
5. Fall weather and cool, crisp air.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Junior League.
asked if I would like to join the Junior League, I totally balked at the idea.
I sputtered excuses like, "But I'm not a soccer mom," and "That's really not my thing," and "Why would you even THINK of me for this?!" Crestfallen, these ladies looked around at each other like they'd made a huge mistake. (And who can blame them?)
Thinking of longtime colleague, friend, personal hero and very active JLJ member Beth Hansen, I did.
When I walked away from the informational meeting, I was hooked. So what if many of these ladies were addicted to social gatherings and wore feather boas to meetings? This group was a great organization, and they buckled down and got things done in the community. Big things. Much more than piddly ol' me could ever do alone -- that's for sure.
So I joined. For months afterwards, I never told my own group of fun, hip-to-be-square, young professional or just-out-of-law-or-med-school peeps. I would turn down offers to meet at Keifer's on Tuesday night because of "community service meetings," or say I couldn't go walking on a nice night because of "a prior obligation." Understandably, my friends started getting suspiscious. Finally, they staged what I still feel was an informal intervention, where they casually asked what these community service obligations were all about. (I think they feared I was in some sort of trouble with the law.) :-)
I finally admitted to being part of the Junior League. The girls immediately got it -- they knew that as a proud Coast transplant, this was not something I wanted or needed on my resume', yet after a good chuckle, they seemed to appreciate my motivation. The guys had no clue, as many good guys don't. (One even asked if I would go on to the Senior League afterward.)
My time with the Junior League of Jackson (JLJ) was immensely rewarding. I met new friends, got to know other acquaintances on new levels, and was introduced to a ridiculous number of community needs and organizations that I was formerly unaware of.

I've joined Forum 35, and am excited about the volunteer and community activities I can hop onto with that, but the League is a different level of community service, and I think I might just be ready to test the Jr. League waters again here in BR.
I'll keep ya posted. I know you're all sitting around and waiting with bated breath -- just wondering how RJ's world will turn next. ;-)
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tornadoes in my Body.
Pop artist Pink best describes it in "Hazard to Myself":
I'm a hazard to myselfSo Pink's a little morbid. And quite down on herself.
Don't let me get me
I'm my own worst enemy
It's bad when you ignore yourself
So irritating
Don't wanna be my friend no more
Wanna be somebody else
But for real, who hasn't gotten tired of themselves? Ever? (And go ahead and speak up if you haven't, though it might take you a while to convince me!) ;-)
I, for one, go through phases where I get so tired of myself that I think split personalities would be welcome. Granted, these phases are fewer and farther in between than what would probably guarantee mental institution, so that's good, I guess. But ya know, they come.
And maybe that's what friends are for. Or new life seasons. Or distractions.
At any rate, good riddance to this body's tornadoes. Maybe if you come again another day, I'll be a little better suited up for you.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
An Update on my 101.

- Organize the (many) books I own and resell, donate, share and/or shelve them. Attractively.
- Obtain a copy of and read the Johnson family history compiled by my Aunt Troy & Co. years ago.
- Get settled into a church home in Baton Rouge.
- Work on my APR (Accreditation in Public Relations) certification.
- Sing at least once a day. This is something I love to do but often forget brings me big joy.
- Organize, scan and share the (many) hard copies of photos I own.
- Move all MySpace blogs over to Blogspot.
- Find a worthy cause in the city I'm in and devote time and energy to it.
- Make a living will.
- Write letters to each of my parents' brothers and sisters thanking them for their contributions to my life and history. (Daddy has five brothers and five sisters. One of his brothers passed away last weekend, so I will write a letter to his children; Mother has three brothers.)
- Send Christmas cards, and mail them by December 10.
- Send at least one non-occasion-related card per month.
- Exercise at least 3 times a week.
- Lose 10 pounds.
- Keep it off for one month.
- Walk a mile in Central Park.
- Go to at least one professional association meeting per month.
- Write an article and have it published.
- Plant herbs, help those herbs live, then cook with them and/or share them.
- Clean the boxes out of the garage.
- Take swimming lessons.
- When friends say, "What? You never saw such-and-such movie?," make a note of the movie and see it within the month. Current movies to see are: Sixteen Candles, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, The Big Lebowski, Royal Tennenbaums, Being John Malkovich, Big (all the way through), Big Fish, The Wedding Singer, Rain Man
- Read at least one non-fiction book per month. (Yep, I was an English major, but this is tough for me. I do love my chick lit.)
- Visit the acclaimed St. Francisville, Louisiana, take the camera, and savor the day and the beauty.
- Host a (small, rebekah-sized) gathering at my (small, rebekah-sized) townhouse.
- Wear hats. In public. Even if I'm the only one doing it.
- Finish a special project for a special someone. (The project and recipient will remain a secret until the gift is complete.)
- Give the gift.
- Clean out my car at least once a month.
- Take tennis lessons.
- Get a makeover and practice new makeup tips on an ordinary day.
- Cut out carbs after 3pm.
- Do not miss one kickboxing class (held weekly at my gym) for one month, starting the first Monday that I am able to breathe and move like a normal person.
- Go to Highland Road's Observatory some night and watch the stars.
- Give blood as often as permissible…after eating breakfast, of course.
- Pick back up my old tradition of adopting an angel at Christmas.
- Sort, purge and organize cassette tapes. (Yes, cassette tapes. I was born in ’76. Work with me.)
- Write letters to three of my favorite college professors -- Dr. Joan Fitch, Dr. David Fitch, and Jeanne Ezell.
- Sell, transfer to hard drive, share and/or organize CDs effectively and neatly.
- Host a picnic for friends with food that I made, not food that I bought.
- Take dance lessons for a month. Jitterbug, ballroom, salsa – the possibilities are endless!
- Pay for the person behind me in line.
- Stop gnawing at my nails. (Yes, they’re fake. I know. It’s bad.)
- Right a wrong.
- Blog five things I am thankful for each week.
- Visit at least one farmer's market a month.
- Take my lunch to work at least twice a week. (Weeks containing lunch meetings can be exceptions, and leftovers can count.)
- Be able to at least jog the entire weekly Happy's Run.
- Write out, carefully review, and stick to a disciplined budget for 6 months. (I think I have this in my head, but I hear it's smart to do on paper.)
- See a Ronald Reagan movie.
- See a Paul Newman movie.
- See a Marilyn Monroe movie.
- Go to a drive-in movie.
- Learn to make a really good gumbo.
- Call at least one out-of-town friend each week. Return calls don’t count.
- Appear as an extra in a film.
- Save at least 20 un-earmarked dollars per month for six months.
- Decide on a suitable name for my blog, and share it with friends and family.
- Reward the idea-giver(s) who helped most with picking this vital name, especially since it’s taken me forever to decide on one. :-)
- Take a train ride to Kim's.
- Purge my closet of items I don't feel attractive in. Recruit friends' opinions if necessary!
- Deliberately accessorize at least once a week.
- Send at least one piece of mail per month to my nephew.
- Watch my weight regularly.
- Learn to make really good cornbread.
- Participate in at least one kid-related event per month.
- Make friends with an elderly person I'm not related to, and keep in touch with them.
- Set dates to visit my sister at least twice a year, and stick to the plan.
- Cook an entire meal for my parents at least once during each visit to their home. (Holidays and quick work trips could be exceptions, depending on timing and the amount of leftovers in the fridge during holidays, and the amount of time available during work trips.)
- Paint something on canvas.
- Handwrite in my journal. (It's been years, thanks to electronic communication and blogging.)
- Visit or make solid plans to visit at least three states I've never been to. My current unvisited states are: Washington; Oregon; Idaho; Montana; Wyoming; Utah; Arizona; New Mexico; Colorado; Nebraska; N. Dakota; S. Dakota; Kansas; Oklahoma; Minnesota; Iowa; Wisconsin; Michigan; Indiana; Ohio; W. Virginia; Connecticut; Rhode Island; Vermont
Yikes...what a long list! Longer than I thought. Kind of sad. But repairable! - When time to buy new lightbulbs, switch to energy-saving ones.
- Do one nice thing for someone who will never find out per month.
- Consciously work on becoming a better listener.
- Develop a personal career goal outside of my job description and achieve it by November 2009.
- Drink hot tea instead of coffee at least two mornings per week.
- Have myself painted (I'm thinking a portrait -- not my actual body -- by a street artist in New Orleans. So not anything too off-the-wall.)
- Treat myself to a weekend at a Bed & Breakfast with a favorite girl friend.
- Water my office plant...before it starts looking puny.
- Free my spaces of clutter at least one a week.
- Try Vietnamese food. (How did I grow up on the MS Gulf Coast and never try it? IDK. But I intend to correct that.)
- Learn to make at least three amazing shrimp dishes.
- Go through old childhood books and toys that are still at my parents' house and relieve my mother of what she doesn’t want (or doesn’t have space) to hang onto.
- Watch The Godfather movie series with my daddy.
- Share the HBO John Adams series with my daddy when it's out on DVD.
- Have someone take posed and candid photographs of my sister and me, when we're dressed for the occasion and feel great about how we look.
- Read my Bible at least once a week.
- Attempt to recreate at least three of my parents' favorite childhood dishes.
- Work on praying throughout the day. (Celestial complaints do not count.)
- Unless allergy-ridden or planning to be around those who are allergy-ridden, wear perfume, not because of a special occasion, but just because it makes me happy.
- Get CPR certified.
- Learn the Heimlich maneuver.
- Visit friends' churches, including those not in my own denomination.
- Share digital photos from events with friends and family within two weeks of said event.
- Save $10 for every completed item on this list, but…
- Donate $10 for every item not completed at the end of the 1001 days.
- Obtain an authentic item from Tiffany’s. (I don't have to buy said piece from the actual store -- eBay is ok -- but the accompanying blue box is essential.)
- Read at least one published book by authors whom I know personally, and especially ones by those whom I’m related to!
- Don’t text and drive, and try to make this a much-needed, very safe, super-conscientious but oh-so-hard difficult of my overly communicative world.
- Throw a party on the 1,001st day, Friday July 15, 2011. Don’t tell anyone who doesn’t already know what the party is for.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Hunt for Red October.

Thursday, October 8, 2009
I have a dream.

- My being on my way to prison (for what, I'm not clear on).
- My parents being disappointed in me for not having children (which, to their credit, they never harass me about, so it's a really odd dream).
- Working again for a former boss (from a lifetime ago) who was uber-critical, and who said he was still let down that I wasn't following his advice from the year 2000.
- My being on the "Lost" island (pretty sure I know where that one stems from, since I got hooked on the show while I was out with strep).
- Plans I've made being very messed up (orders not coming in correctly, things going awry, etc.).
And the list goes on.
I've always had a bit of a guilt complex in general (even though if you know my sister, you're aware that mine pales to almost transparent in comparison), but good HEAVENS. Waking up every morning feeling bad about myself is RIDICULOUS.
I would say I need a vacation, but as I told some friends earlier this week (or was it last week?), every vacay I've taken lately has resurfaced some very unwanted and tangible ghosts from the past. So, no thanks.
I never thought I'd say this, but I might be ready for my "normal" dreams -- where everyone from all stages of my life are hanging out, but we're all Smurf blue. Or friends from a certain time period have a reunion...with paintball wars...in a department store.
But these current dreams -- how to fix them?
Is there an app for that?
Or, at the very least, an herb?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Spacing Out.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The Fifth Element.

Monday, October 5, 2009
Lordy, Lordy, look who's 40!

Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Bottom Line.