Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Second to Breathe.

This weekend I took a second to breathe.

Ok, I took a whole weekend to breathe. But anyway. :-)

I really needed the time out. I've been running fast and furiously (mainly with work, and using any leftover/in reserve energy to spend on family and friends), and was just out of steam.

I truly, truly appreciate friends and family who don't pressure me to be more than I can possibly be, especially when I'm running on pure adrenaline as it is.

Because, really, breathing might seem way overrated, but only when you have time to do it. When you don't, it's true, quality time that you want others to experience, as well as yourself.

So thanks to those of you who are kind enough to understand that RJ can't magically bounce back like an air-inflated ball after an extremely hectic time of work. :-) I appreciate you more than you'll ever know.

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