It's been way too long since I've posted my 5 things I'm thankful for. Or maybe it's just been way too long since I've sat down and thought about all I'm grateful for. Either way, here I go:
1. My family. I have an amazing, precious, sweet, loving family, and I'm not sure how I ended up with them (other than the sheer fact that God knew no one else would put up with me and love me unconditionally!). I'm so excited that I will see them Labor Day weekend, and that we'll get to celebrate my sweet Daddy's 60th birthday together!
2. Where I am. A long, winding road led me to Baton Rouge, and while many of the factors that brought me here are no longer relevant/active, I can't imagine a better, funner city to be in at this stage of my life, or cooler peeps to be here with. Rah, Red Stick!
3. The things we leave behind. I feel strongly about not having regrets, but I also feel more strongly than ever about being thankful that the past is the past.
4. Newness of life. The world got a little happier, a little sweeter, and a little more precious this past Thursday when Noah Price Densmore graced us with his presence. I love the reminders that births bring....freshness, innocence, and a lifetime of new experiences waiting to happen. And I cannot WAIT to meet the precious little guy! I already know he'll be among my faves, since his mommy and daddy are!
5. Trained professionals. I am beyond grateful for the people many people in my life who are good at what they do -- in every capacity -- and that they're using their gifts and talents for good and not evil. And I'm especially grateful this week for those who have used those skillz to help this redhead. :-)