I thought I was wonderfully clever to have this idea...until I realized I'd be missing the LSU game. I have, as my Daddy informed me after the Saints' Monday Night Football game, "become a little football junkie," and true to form, was a bit sad that I'd have to keep up with the score via texts from friends instead of watching it myself.

About a quarter into the game, my colleague asked if I wanted to watch it on the department TV, which is generally used for newscasts and weather updates (this is the MS Gulf Coast, and the building was pretty messed up in Katrina). Since there were only a few of us in the department -- much less the building -- at this point, I thought it couldn't hurt to bring some transportable work to the table to watch some football. I did, and was transfixed! LSU played a pretty good game (I was worried they'd forgotten how), but alas, Arkansas played better. One sad point better, in fact. The nail-biting final was 31-30.
But as the clock ticked past 5 on the day after a holiday and I continued to sit, laptop in tow, and glance at the TV during big moments, I couldn't help but think two things:
1. This is a pretty sweet deal.
2. My daddy is right. I have become "quite the little football junkie."
1. This is a pretty sweet deal.
2. My daddy is right. I have become "quite the little football junkie."